Expert advice covering the life-cycle of refrigerants
delivering lower emissions, reduced risk and costs
Cooling and refrigeration needs are growing - unfortunately so is their Climate Impact…
Improving how refrigerants are managed addresses two areas of the climate challenge. It has an outsized impact which is why it is important to us.

Why manage refrigerants?
Lower Emissions
Lower Risks
Lower Costs
Improved Safety
Better End-Product
Refrigerants are everywhere around us. In our buildings, in our supply chains and in our data centres & vehicles (plus many more).
The refrigeration and cooling related sector is estimated to contribute over 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. From both the refrigerant gases that leak into the atmosphere and the energy used to power the systems. For context the global aviation sector is estimated to contribute 2%.
Many of the things we take for granted rely on refrigerant gas - however when this gas escapes it has a significant impact on our climate. We can help avoid this by ensuring the refrigerant gas is always being tracked and managed.
Many Refrigerants have climate warming impacts over a thousand times greater than carbon dioxide which is why they are often called ‘super pollutants’.
When refrigerant leaks it also leads to more energy use in the equipment - that is why managing refrigerants has a double impact.
Read on to understand how we help address these challenges for organisations of all sizes.

We are laser focussed on keeping refrigerant super-pollutants out of the atmosphere with accurate inventories, leak management and training.
We are here to help
If You Are Starting Out
Our primer on the world of refrigerants, system leaks and accounting for their emissions.
If You Have A Specific Challenge
If you have a specific need, require some advice or better tools to manage refrigerants.
Helping organisations align with Net Zero
There is now a rush to set and deliver on net-zero targets, however many organisations overlook (or unknowingly omit) emissions from their refrigerant inventories. This is especially so when setting net-zero GHG targets (as opposed to net-zero Carbon only).
Refrigerant management starts with building an accurate inventory. Even if you don’t need to calculate emissions today, having an accurate inventory helps ensure compliance with the many regulations coming into force. It drives operating costs reductions by understanding where refrigerant is being lost (leaked) and identifies where equipment performance can be improved minimising costly breakdowns
Need help calculating refrigerant emissions?
Most organisations have lots of equipment and vehicles containing refrigerants. And most have little knowledge of what refrigerant is in their equipment or what stocks they might have, especially if dispersed across various servicing contractors.
We help companies, organisations and government gather the required data and put in place the software tools (for the contractors to use also) to streamline the collection and reporting. Whether you have HFCs, HCFCs, HFOs or other F-gases we cover them all. Even Natural refrigerants need managing for safety and compliance which is part of our expertise.
Leak Mitigation and Energy use
Leak Mitigation starts with knowing your leak rates and then proactively detecting them with the appropriate technology. We help advise organisations on what to implement and assist with the design and implementation.
Coupled with best-practice procedures, Leak Mitigation helps reduce costs from replacing refrigerant, lowers energy use, reduces failures and ensures compliance with regulations such as the EU F-Gas phasedown.
Energy use can also be lowered through energy efficiency measures. This means both designing for lower cooling loads and optimising equipment controls. We work with our partners at Teale who have established expertise in analysing and improving common equipment systems.
Advisory and Training
Sometimes organisations need some help to cut through the various competing interests in the market. This is often the case with refrigerants and there can be lots of different claims not to mention acronyms (HFCs, HCs, HFOs, F-gases etc).
As independent Advisors we are guided by what ensures the best outcome for both our clients and the climate. When it comes to refrigerants while some might look good on paper, perhaps there are other environmental impacts to consider. Understanding the options can be a challenge but we are here to help.
We also believe that capacity building is one of the most effective ways to make a difference. Building awareness both in-house and within contractors and maintenance teams on the ground is one of the crucial steps to limiting emissions - especially from leaky equipment. We provide training on refrigerant life-cycle management and also tailored courses on leak mitigation.
We are active in reducing the emissions, costs and risks around refrigerants.
We make it easy and fast – we use the latest software and data tools to get insights and results quickly
We reduce risk – ensuring clients don’t get exposed with undelivered or non-transparent net zero commitments
We drive cost savings - best-practice refrigerant management means lower refrigerant, energy and maintenance costs

“There are some companies that know refrigerants – there are some that know heating and cooling equipment – there are some that know IoT and monitoring. There are however very few that know how these intersect to manage and reduce emissions — VERIDIEN HAS THE KNOW-HOW”
Our Services cover all aspects of refrigerants including their selection, operation of equipment, leak management and end-of-life disposal.
Contact Us.
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